- Type
- Dark
- Category
- Physical
- AP Cost
- 3
- Power
- 6
- Accuracy
- 1
- Range
- Contact
Steals the target’s held item if the user can hold it. A despicable mugging.
Z-Effect: 36
MAX Power 110
Learned by
- Butterfree
- Beedrill
- Pidgey
- Pidgeotto
- Pidgeot
- Rattata
- Raticate
- Alolan Rattata
- Alolan Raticate
- Spearow
- Fearow
- Ekans
- Arbok
- Pichu
- Pikachu
- Raichu
- Alolan Raichu
- Sandshrew
- Sandslash
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Alolan Sandslash
- Nidoran♀
- Nidorina
- Nidoqueen
- Nidoran♂
- Nidorino
- Nidoking
- Zubat
- Golbat
- Crobat
- Paras
- Parasect
- Venonat
- Venomoth
- Diglett
- Dugtrio
- Alolan Diglett
- Alolan Dugtrio
- Meowth
- Persian
- Alolan Meowth
- Alolan Persian
- Galarian Meowth
- Perrserker
- Mankey
- Primeape
- Growlithe
- Arcanine
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Politoed
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Machop
- Machoke
- Machamp
- Bellsprout
- Weepinbell
- Victreebel
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Farfetch'd
- Galarian Farfetch'd
- Sirfetch'd
- Doduo
- Dodrio
- Seel
- Dewgong
- Grimer
- Muk
- Alolan Grimer
- Alolan Muk
- Gastly
- Haunter
- Gengar
- Drowzee
- Hypno
- Krabby
- Kingler
- Voltorb
- Electrode
- Exeggcute
- Exeggutor
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Cubone
- Marowak
- Alolan Marowak
- Tyrogue
- Hitmonlee
- Hitmonchan
- Hitmontop
- Lickitung
- Lickilicky
- Koffing
- Weezing
- Galarian Weezing
- Rhyhorn
- Rhydon
- Rhyperior
- Tangela
- Tangrowth
- Kangaskhan
- Mime Jr.
- Mr. Mime
- Galarian Mr. Mime
- Mr. Rime
- Scyther
- Scizor
- Smoochum
- Jynx
- Elekid
- Electabuzz
- Electivire
- Magby
- Magmar
- Magmortar
- Pinsir
- Umbreon
- Porygon
- Porygon2
- Porygon-Z
- Omanyte
- Omastar
- Kabuto
- Kabutops
- Aerodactyl
- Mew
- Sentret
- Furret
- Hoothoot
- Noctowl
- Ledyba
- Ledian
- Spinarak
- Ariados
- Natu
- Xatu
- Bonsly
- Sudowoodo
- Aipom
- Ambipom
- Yanma
- Yanmega
- Wooper
- Quagsire
- Murkrow
- Honchkrow
- Misdreavus
- Mismagius
- Girafarig
- Dunsparce
- Gligar
- Gliscor
- Snubbull
- Granbull
- Heracross
- Sneasel
- Weavile
- Teddiursa
- Ursaring
- Ursaluna
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Delibird
- Skarmory
- Houndour
- Houndoom
- Stantler
- Poochyena
- Mightyena
- Zigzagoon
- Linoone
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Galarian Linoone
- Obstagoon
- Beautifly
- Dustox
- Lotad
- Lombre
- Ludicolo
- Seedot
- Nuzleaf
- Shiftry
- Taillow
- Swellow
- Wingull
- Pelipper
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Gallade
- Surskit
- Masquerain
- Nincada
- Ninjask
- Shedinja
- Sableye
- Electrike
- Manectric
- Volbeat
- Carvanha
- Sharpedo
- Spoink
- Grumpig
- Spinda
- Swablu
- Altaria
- Zangoose
- Seviper
- Castform
- Kecleon
- Shuppet
- Banette
- Duskull
- Dusclops
- Dusknoir
- Absol
- Huntail
- Bidoof
- Bibarel
- Shinx
- Luxio
- Luxray
- Cranidos
- Rampardos
- Wormadam (Plant)
- Wormadam (Sand)
- Wormadam (Trash)
- Mothim
- Combee
- Vespiquen
- Pachirisu
- Drifloon
- Drifblim
- Glameow
- Purugly
- Stunky
- Skuntank
- Chatot
- Spiritomb
- Skorupi
- Drapion
- Croagunk
- Toxicroak
- Carnivine
- Rotom
- Darkrai
- Purrloin
- Liepard
- Pansage
- Simisage
- Pansear
- Simisear
- Panpour
- Simipour
- Woobat
- Swoobat
- Cottonee
- Whimsicott
- Sandile
- Krokorok
- Krookodile
- Darumaka
- Darmanitan
- Darmanitan (Zen)
- Galarian Darumaka
- Galarian Darmanitan
- Galarian Darmanitan (Zen)
- Scraggy
- Scrafty
- Yamask
- Cofagrigus
- Galarian Yamask
- Runerigus
- Trubbish
- Garbodor
- Zorua
- Zoroark
- Minccino
- Cinccino
- Gothita
- Gothorita
- Gothitelle
- Joltik
- Galvantula
- Elgyem
- Beheeyem
- Litwick
- Lampent
- Chandelure
- Golett
- Golurk
- Pawniard
- Bisharp
- Vullaby
- Mandibuzz
- Heatmor
- Deino
- Zweilous
- Hydreigon
- Tornadus
- Tornadus (Therian)
- Fennekin
- Braixen
- Delphox
- Froakie
- Frogadier
- Greninja
- Bunnelby
- Diggersby
- Fletchling
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
- Vivillon
- Litleo
- Pyroar
- Pangoro
- Swirlix
- Slurpuff
- Inkay
- Malamar
- Binacle
- Barbaracle
- Dedenne
- Klefki
- Phantump
- Trevenant
- Pumpkaboo
- Gourgeist
- Noibat
- Noivern
- Yveltal
- Hoopa
- Hoopa (Unbound)
- Pikipek
- Trumbeak
- Toucannon
- Yungoos
- Gumshoos
- Crabrawler
- Crabominable
- Cutiefly
- Ribombee
- Salandit
- Salazzle
- Comfey
- Passimian
- Togedemaru
- Mimikyu
- Dhelmise
- Tapu Koko
- Tapu Lele
- Necrozma
- Guzzlord
- Blacephalon
- Poipole
- Naganadel
- Marshadow
- Skwovet
- Greedent
- Rookidee
- Corvisquire
- Corviknight
- Nickit
- Thievul
- Cramorant
- Impidimp
- Morgrem
- Grimmsnarl
- Morpeko
- Dreepy
- Drakloak
- Dragapult
- Zarude
- Sprigatito
- Floragato
- Meowscarada
- Lechonk
- Oinkologne (♂)
- Oinkologne (♀)
- Pawmi
- Pawmo
- Pawmot
- Bombirdier
- Gimmighoul (Roaming)
- Okidogi
- Munkidori
- Fezandipiti