- Type
- Psychic
- Category
- Status
- AP Cost
- 3
- Accuracy
- Can’t miss
- Range
- Ranged
For 3 rounds, the target gains the Levitate Ability and all Moves targeting them (except for OHKO Moves) Can’t Miss. Hoists the target aloft with psychokinesis.
Z-Effect: Boost the user's SATK by +5.
Learned by
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Staryu
- Starmie
- Smoochum
- Jynx
- Espeon
- Galarian Articuno
- Mewtwo
- Mew
- Togepi
- Togetic
- Togekiss
- Natu
- Xatu
- Girafarig
- Lugia
- Gardevoir
- Shedinja
- Meditite
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Baltoy
- Claydol
- Metang
- Metagross
- Jirachi
- Bronzor
- Bronzong
- Spiritomb
- Rotom
- Uxie
- Mesprit
- Azelf
- Cresselia
- Arceus
- Munna
- Musharna
- Woobat
- Swoobat
- Sigilyph
- Gothita
- Gothorita
- Gothitelle
- Solosis
- Duosion
- Reuniclus
- Elgyem
- Beheeyem
- Meloetta
- Meloetta (Pirouette)
- Espurr
- Meowstic (♂)
- Meowstic (♀)
- Inkay
- Malamar
- Pumpkaboo
- Gourgeist
- Hoopa
- Hoopa (Unbound)
- Comfey
- Oranguru
- Minior
- Minior (Core)
- Bruxish
- Tapu Lele
- Lunala
- Nihilego
- Stakataka
- Orbeetle
- Sinistea
- Polteageist
- Rabsca