- Type
- Water
- Category
- Physical
- AP Cost
- 3
- Power
- 11
- Accuracy
- 1
- Range
- Contact
On 17+, Drops DEF by -5. Breaks down the target with a full-force water blast.
Z-Effect: 58
MAX Power 130
Learned by
- Squirtle
- Wartortle
- Blastoise
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Poliwag
- Poliwhirl
- Poliwrath
- Politoed
- Slowpoke
- Slowbro
- Slowking
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Galarian Slowbro
- Galarian Slowking
- Seel
- Dewgong
- Shellder
- Cloyster
- Krabby
- Kingler
- Horsea
- Seadra
- Kingdra
- Lapras
- Vaporeon
- Omanyte
- Omastar
- Kabuto
- Kabutops
- Mew
- Totodile
- Croconaw
- Feraligatr
- Marill
- Azumarill
- Wooper
- Quagsire
- Qwilfish
- Corsola
- Galarian Corsola
- Cursola
- Remoraid
- Octillery
- Mantyke
- Mantine
- Suicune
- Mudkip
- Marshtomp
- Swampert
- Wingull
- Pelipper
- Surskit
- Masquerain
- Carvanha
- Sharpedo
- Wailmer
- Wailord
- Barboach
- Whiscash
- Corphish
- Crawdaunt
- Anorith
- Armaldo
- Spheal
- Sealeo
- Walrein
- Relicanth
- Luvdisc
- Alomomola
- Kyogre
- Piplup
- Prinplup
- Empoleon
- Bibarel
- Buizel
- Floatzel
- Croagunk
- Toxicroak
- Palkia
- Manaphy
- Phione
- Arceus
- Oshawott
- Dewott
- Samurott
- Tympole
- Palpitoad
- Seismitoad
- Basculin
- Tirtouga
- Carracosta
- Solosis
- Ducklett
- Swanna
- Cubchoo
- Beartic
- Keldeo
- Inkay
- Malamar
- Binacle
- Barbaracle
- Clauncher
- Clawitzer
- Bergmite
- Avalugg
- Volcanion
- Popplio
- Brionne
- Primarina
- Wishiwashi
- Wishiwashi (School)
- Mareanie
- Toxapex
- Dewpider
- Araquanid
- Golisopod
- Bruxish
- Dhelmise
- Sobble
- Drizzile
- Inteleon
- Chewtle
- Drednaw
- Cramorant
- Arrokuda
- Barraskewda
- Clobbopus
- Grapploct
- Pincurchin
- Eiscue
- Eiscue (Noice)
- Dracovish
- Arctovish
- Urshifu (Rapid Strike)
- Quaxly
- Quaxwell
- Quaquaval
- Wiglett
- Wugtrio
- Veluza