Ally Switch
- Type
- Psychic
- Category
- Status
- AP Cost
- 3
- Range
- Ranged
Super-Priority. Choose an ally within 2 Zones and switch them with the user. Moves targeting either now target their replacements.
Z-Effect: Boost the user's SPE by +10.
Learned by
- Alolan Raichu
- Cleffa
- Clefairy
- Clefable
- Igglybuff
- Jigglypuff
- Wigglytuff
- Diglett
- Dugtrio
- Alolan Diglett
- Alolan Dugtrio
- Abra
- Kadabra
- Alakazam
- Alolan Geodude
- Alolan Graveler
- Alolan Golem
- Ponyta
- Rapidash
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Rapidash
- Magnemite
- Magneton
- Magnezone
- Gastly
- Haunter
- Gengar
- Drowzee
- Hypno
- Krabby
- Kingler
- Alolan Marowak
- Happiny
- Chansey
- Blissey
- Mime Jr.
- Mr. Mime
- Galarian Mr. Mime
- Mr. Rime
- Smoochum
- Jynx
- Espeon
- Porygon
- Porygon2
- Porygon-Z
- Galarian Articuno
- Mewtwo
- Mew
- Togepi
- Togetic
- Togekiss
- Natu
- Xatu
- Misdreavus
- Mismagius
- Girafarig
- Celebi
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Gallade
- Shedinja
- Nosepass
- Probopass
- Sableye
- Spoink
- Grumpig
- Lunatone
- Solrock
- Baltoy
- Claydol
- Shuppet
- Banette
- Duskull
- Dusclops
- Dusknoir
- Chingling
- Chimecho
- Froslass
- Metang
- Metagross
- Latias
- Latios
- Jirachi
- Deoxys
- Deoxys (Attack)
- Deoxys (Defense)
- Deoxys (Speed)
- Drifloon
- Drifblim
- Bronzor
- Bronzong
- Spiritomb
- Rotom
- Uxie
- Mesprit
- Azelf
- Palkia
- Palkia (Origin)
- Cresselia
- Stoutland
- Munna
- Musharna
- Blitzle
- Zebstrika
- Woobat
- Swoobat
- Audino
- Yamask
- Cofagrigus
- Galarian Yamask
- Runerigus
- Archen
- Archeops
- Zorua
- Zoroark
- Gothita
- Gothorita
- Gothitelle
- Solosis
- Duosion
- Reuniclus
- Vanillite
- Vanillish
- Vanilluxe
- Klink
- Klang
- Klinklang
- Elgyem
- Beheeyem
- Litwick
- Lampent
- Chandelure
- Mienfoo
- Mienshao
- Golett
- Golurk
- Meloetta
- Meloetta (Pirouette)
- Fennekin
- Braixen
- Delphox
- Flabébé
- Floette
- Florges
- Espurr
- Meowstic (♂)
- Meowstic (♀)
- Spritzee
- Aromatisse
- Inkay
- Malamar
- Helioptile
- Heliolisk
- Hawlucha
- Dedenne
- Carbink
- Phantump
- Trevenant
- Pumpkaboo
- Gourgeist
- Diancie
- Hoopa
- Hoopa (Unbound)
- Brionne
- Cutiefly
- Ribombee
- Comfey
- Oranguru
- Bruxish
- Dhelmise
- Tapu Lele
- Necrozma
- Nihilego
- Stakataka
- Poipole
- Naganadel
- Scorbunny
- Raboot
- Cinderace
- Dottler
- Orbeetle
- Sinistea
- Polteageist
- Indeedee (♂)
- Indeedee (♀)
- Drakloak
- Dragapult
- Calyrex
- Calyrex (Ice Rider)
- Calyrex (Shadow Rider)
- Sprigatito
- Floragato
- Meowscarada
- Armarouge
- Ceruledge
- Iron Leaves
- Iron Crown
- Iron Boulder