
Identification: Lighting
Subject alternates between dormancy and activity — after absorbing phenomenal amounts of electricity from its surroundings, it then discharges intense radiance and lightning. Motivation for these actions has yet to be found.
- Type:
- Electric
- Height:
- 12′6″
- Weight:
- 220.5 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- None
- Catch DC:
- 23
- Starting Ability
- Beast Boost
- Level 5 Abilities
- Motor Drive
- Own Tempo
- Illuminate
- Own Tempo
HP | 45 | ||
ATK | 8 | Athletics | 3 |
DEF | 7 | Endurance | 2 |
SATK | 16 | Focus | 11 |
SDEF | 6 | Stealth | 1 |
SPE | 7 | Acrobatics | 2 |