
The vines that Tangela shed taste great when sliced, fried, and salted into chips. Tangela that learn of this custom will leave vines on doorsteps and then knock on the door a day later. “Tangela’s share” is a phrase in some areas, meaning a portion set aside for good luck.
- Type:
- Grass
- Height:
- 3′3″
- Weight:
- 77.2 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Plant
- Catch DC:
- 12
- Starting Abilities
- Chlorophyll
- Leaf Guard
- Level 5 Abilities
- Power Leech
- Tangling Hair
- Regenerator
- Tangling Hair
HP | 40 | ||
ATK | 5 | Athletics | 0 |
DEF | 11 | Endurance | 6 |
SATK | 9 | Focus | 4 |
SDEF | 3 | Stealth | -2 |
SPE | 5 | Acrobatics | 0 |
Tutor Moves
- Aerial Ace
- Amnesia
- Attract
- Body Slam
- Bulldoze
- Bullet Seed
- Confusion
- Constrict
- Cut
- Earthquake
- Endeavor
- Endure
- Energy Ball
- Facade
- Flail
- Flash
- Fling
- Focus Blast
- Giga Impact
- Grass Knot
- Grassy Glide
- Hyper Beam
- Infestation
- Leaf Storm
- Leech Seed
- Nature Power
- Pain Split
- Payback
- Poison Jab
- Power Swap
- Protect
- Rage Powder
- Reflect
- Rest
- Rock Slide
- Rock Tomb
- Round
- Seed Bomb
- Sleep Talk
- Sludge Bomb
- Snore
- Solar Beam
- Solar Blade
- Stomping Tantrum
- Substitute
- Sunny Day
- Swords Dance
- Synthesis
- Thief
- Wide Guard
- Worry Seed