
Although Taillow nest in small families, when the young leave the nest they join flocks that can number in the hundreds. These flocks are dangerous, as Taillow has no fear of guard Pokémon and will not hesitate to wipe out entire outdoor markets.
- Type:
- Normal / Flying
- Height:
- 1′
- Weight:
- 5.1 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Winged
- Catch DC:
- 3
- Starting Ability
- Guts
- Level 5 Abilities
- Defiant
- Adaptability
- Scrappy
- Adaptability
HP | 25 | ||
ATK | 5 | Athletics | 0 |
DEF | 2 | Endurance | -3 |
SATK | 2 | Focus | -3 |
SDEF | 2 | Stealth | -3 |
SPE | 8 | Acrobatics | 3 |