
Spinda who spend time with each other synchronize their steps. Not all Spinda are immune to each other’s movements, so they may end up tripping over their own feet. Trainers who mimic Spinda’s teetering say it’s a rewarding bonding experience, until they throw up.
- Type:
- Normal
- Height:
- 3′7″
- Weight:
- 11 lbs.
- Egg Groups:
- Field, Humanoid
- Catch DC:
- 2
- Starting Abilities
- Own Tempo
- Tangled Feet
- Level 5 Abilities
- Dizzying
- Entry: Teeter Dance
- Contrary
- Entry: Teeter Dance
HP | 35 | ||
ATK | 5 | Athletics | 0 |
DEF | 5 | Endurance | 0 |
SATK | 5 | Focus | 0 |
SDEF | 5 | Stealth | 0 |
SPE | 5 | Acrobatics | 0 |
Tutor Moves
- Assist
- Attract
- Baton Pass
- Body Slam
- Brick Break
- Calm Mind
- Dig
- Disable
- Drain Punch
- Encore
- Endure
- Facade
- Fake Out
- Fake Tears
- Fire Punch
- Flash
- Fling
- Focus Punch
- Giga Impact
- Guard Split
- Hammer Arm
- Helping Hand
- Hyper Beam
- Hyper Voice
- Ice Punch
- Icy Wind
- Low Kick
- Mega Punch
- Protect
- Psychic
- Psycho Cut
- Psycho Shift
- Rain Dance
- Rapid Spin
- Rest
- Retaliate
- Rock Slide
- Rock Tomb
- Role Play
- Round
- Safeguard
- Secret Power
- Seismic Toss
- Shadow Ball
- Skill Swap
- Sleep Talk
- Smelling Salts
- Snore
- Spotlight
- Stomping Tantrum
- Submission
- Substitute
- Sunny Day
- Superpower
- Swift
- Terrain Pulse
- Thief
- Thunder Punch
- Trick
- Trick Room
- Water Pulse
- Whirlpool
- Wild Charge
- Wish
- Work Up
- Zen Headbutt