
Everstones always sell out in Circhester Town, due to Snom’s popularity. If a Snom wants to evolve, they’re known to throw Everstones away into the local hot spring. This may be the origin of the Circhester phrase, “Growth and comfort bathe apart.”
- Type:
- Ice / Bug
- Height:
- 1′
- Weight:
- 8.4 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Insect
- Catch DC:
- 4
- Starting Ability
- Shield Dust
- Level 5 Abilities
- Dazzling
- Prism Armor
- Ice Scales
- Prism Armor
HP | 15 | ||
ATK | 2 | Athletics | -3 |
DEF | 3 | Endurance | -2 |
SATK | 4 | Focus | -1 |
SDEF | 2 | Stealth | -3 |
SPE | 1 | Acrobatics | -4 |
Level | Learns |
1 | Powder Snow, Struggle Bug |
2 | — |
3 | Sticky Web |
4 | — |
5 | — |
6 | Bug Bite |
7 | Helping Hand |
8 | Ice Ball |
9 | String Shot |
10 | Mirror Coat |
11 | Frost Breath |
12 | Sheer Cold |
13 | Prismatic Laser |
14 | Gyro Ball |
15 | Freezy Frost |