
Skitty’s face adorns children’s products all over the world, from clothing to sugary treats and school supplies. It is said that a child’s first Pokémon partners are Pikachu and Skitty.
- Type:
- Normal
- Height:
- 2′
- Weight:
- 24.3 lbs.
- Egg Groups:
- Field, Pixie
- Catch DC:
- 2
- Starting Abilities
- Cute Charm
- Normalize
- Level 5 Abilities
- Unaware
- Limber
- Wonder Skin
- Limber
HP | 30 | ||
ATK | 4 | Athletics | -1 |
DEF | 4 | Endurance | -1 |
SATK | 3 | Focus | -2 |
SDEF | 3 | Stealth | -2 |
SPE | 4 | Acrobatics | -1 |
Tutor Moves
- Attract
- Baton Pass
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Calm Mind
- Captivate
- Cosmic Power
- Dig
- Draining Kiss
- Endure
- Fake Tears
- Grass Knot
- Helping Hand
- Hyper Voice
- Ice Beam
- Icy Wind
- Iron Tail
- Last Resort
- Mimic
- Mud Bomb
- Nasty Plot
- Pay Day
- Payback
- Poison Powder
- Protect
- Rain Dance
- Rapid Spin
- Rest
- Retaliate
- Rollout
- Round
- Safeguard
- Shadow Ball
- Simple Beam
- Sleep Talk
- Snore
- Solar Beam
- Stomping Tantrum
- Substitute
- Sucker Punch
- Sunny Day
- Sweet Kiss
- Swift
- Tail Slap
- Terrain Pulse
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Uproar
- Wild Charge
- Wish
- Work Up
- Zen Headbutt