
Seel’s tongue is coated with salty saliva so it doesn’t stick to icy surfaces. Its vascular system shunts excess heat to its horn, making it easier to break ice. The horn becomes especially warm when Seel is in hotter climates.
- Type:
- Water
- Height:
- 3′7″
- Weight:
- 198.4 lbs.
- Egg Groups:
- Aquatic, Field
- Catch DC:
- 4
- Starting Abilities
- Thick Fat
- Hydration
- Level 5 Abilities
- Unintimidate
- Dire Horn
- Ice Body
- Dire Horn
HP | 40 | ||
ATK | 4 | Athletics | -1 |
DEF | 5 | Endurance | 0 |
SATK | 4 | Focus | -1 |
SDEF | 6 | Stealth | 1 |
SPE | 4 | Acrobatics | -1 |
Level | Learns |
1 | Headbutt, Growl, Lick, Water Sport |
2 | Icy Wind, Chilling Water |
3 | Encore |
4 | Rest, Aqua Ring |
5 | Ice Shard |
6 | Aurora Beam, Ice Fang |
7 | Smart Strike |
8 | Safeguard |
9 | Aqua Jet |
10 | Ice Beam |
11 | Snowscape |
12 | Waterfall, Brine |
13 | Skull Bash |
14 | Fake Out |
15 | Flip Turn |
Tutor Moves
- Aqua Tail
- Attract
- Avalanche
- Belch
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Dig
- Disable
- Dive
- Endure
- Entrainment
- Facade
- Fling
- Helping Hand
- Horn Drill
- Hydro Pump
- Icicle Spear
- Iron Tail
- Liquidation
- Pay Day
- Perish Song
- Protect
- Rain Dance
- Round
- Signal Beam
- Slam
- Sleep Talk
- Snore
- Spit Up
- Stockpile
- Strength
- Substitute
- Surf
- Swallow
- Take Down
- Thief
- Triple Axel
- Water Pulse