
Rattata’s eyecatching coloration shows they have abandoned all pretense of camouflage. They respond to intruders by flashing their fearsome incisors, then with hard bites. A family Rattata is an effective watchrat.
- Type:
- Normal
- Height:
- 1′
- Weight:
- 7.7 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Field
- Catch DC:
- 2
- Starting Abilities
- Run Away
- Guts
- Level 5 Abilities
- Defiant
- Infiltrator
- Hustle
- Infiltrator
HP | 20 | ||
ATK | 5 | Athletics | 0 |
DEF | 3 | Endurance | -2 |
SATK | 2 | Focus | -3 |
SDEF | 3 | Stealth | -2 |
SPE | 6 | Acrobatics | 1 |
Tutor Moves
- Attract
- Beat Up
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Close Combat
- Counter
- Covet
- Cut
- Dig
- Endure
- Final Gambit
- Fire Fang
- Flame Wheel
- Fury Swipes
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam
- Ice Fang
- Icy Wind
- Infestation
- Iron Tail
- Last Resort
- Me First
- Protect
- Psychic Fangs
- Rain Dance
- Rest
- Retaliate
- Revenge
- Reversal
- Round
- Scary Face
- Screech
- Shadow Ball
- Shock Wave
- Sleep Talk
- Sludge Bomb
- Snore
- Stomping Tantrum
- Substitute
- Sunny Day
- Taunt
- Terrain Pulse
- Thief
- Throat Chop
- Thunder
- Thunder Fang
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Uproar
- Wild Charge
- Work Up
- Zen Headbutt