Oricorio (Baile)

The nectars of Ori flowers can ferment into flavorful alcoholic drinks. Such drinks are immensely popular in Alola, but growing the flowers on foreign soil only results in Baile petals. Since that’s the most complex flavor, exports are rare.
- Type:
- Fire / Flying
- Height:
- 2′
- Weight:
- 7.5 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Winged
- Catch DC:
- 10
- Starting Ability
- Dancer
- Level 5 Abilities
- Competitive
- Flash Fire
- Early Bird
- Flash Fire
HP | 45 | ||
ATK | 6 | Athletics | 1 |
DEF | 6 | Endurance | 1 |
SATK | 9 | Focus | 4 |
SDEF | 6 | Stealth | 1 |
SPE | 8 | Acrobatics | 3 |