
Plusle and Minun love to bother Charjabug. They think its electric attacks are cheering sparks and follow it everywhere. The magnetism between Plusle and Minun may even form the conditions for Charjabug to evolve!
- Type:
- Electric
- Height:
- 1′4″
- Weight:
- 9.3 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Pixie
- Catch DC:
- 3
- Starting Ability
- Minus
- Level 5 Abilities
- Battery
- Electric Cheeks
- Volt Absorb
- Electric Cheeks
HP | 35 | ||
ATK | 3 | Athletics | -2 |
DEF | 4 | Endurance | -1 |
SATK | 7 | Focus | 2 |
SDEF | 8 | Stealth | 3 |
SPE | 9 | Acrobatics | 4 |
Tutor Moves
- Attract
- Body Slam
- Coaching
- Eerie Impulse
- Electroweb
- Endure
- Facade
- Fire Pledge
- Flash
- Fling
- Giga Impact
- Grass Knot
- Grass Pledge
- Hyper Beam
- Iron Tail
- Mega Kick
- Mega Punch
- Metronome
- Protect
- Rain Dance
- Rest
- Rising Voltage
- Sing
- Sleep Talk
- Snore
- Submission
- Substitute
- Sweet Kiss
- Swift
- Tearful Look
- Thunder Punch
- Thunderbolt
- Uproar
- Volt Switch
- Volt Tackle
- Water Pledge
- Wild Charge
- Wish