
Lock away tools and silverware during Meltan infestations, as they can squeeze through the smallest holes. The hex nut can’t change shape, so it’s often left behind. If you find the nut, put it in a wooden bowl and Meltan will get stuck retrieving it. Make sure not to put too many Meltan in the same bowl.
- Type:
- Steel
- Height:
- 0′8″
- Weight:
- 17.6 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- None
- Catch DC:
- 10
- Starting Ability
- Magnet Pull
- Level 5 Abilities
- Motor Drive
- Liquid Ooze
- Limber
- Liquid Ooze
HP | 30 | ||
ATK | 6 | Athletics | 1 |
DEF | 6 | Endurance | 1 |
SATK | 5 | Focus | 0 |
SDEF | 3 | Stealth | -2 |
SPE | 2 | Acrobatics | -3 |
Tutor Moves
- Ancient Power
- Body Press
- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Echoed Voice
- Electric Terrain
- Endure
- Facade
- Giga Impact
- Heavy Slam
- High Horsepower
- Hyper Beam
- Ice Beam
- Iron Defense
- Iron Head
- Magnetic Flux
- Metal Burst
- Protect
- Rest
- Rock Slide
- Rock Tomb
- Round
- Self-Destruct
- Sleep Talk
- Snore
- Solar Beam
- Steel Roller
- Substitute
- Superpower
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt