
Sailors tell tales of a giant bird with hand-like wings and glowing eyes. Those who saw blue eyes say the bird saved them from the worst storms of their lives, while those who saw red claim to be lucky to have escaped at all.
- Type:
- Psychic / Flying
- Height:
- 17′1″
- Weight:
- 476.2 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- None
- Catch DC:
- 24
- Starting Ability
- Pressure
- Level 5 Abilities
- Water Absorb
- Dragon's Maw
- Multiscale
- Dragon's Maw
HP | 60 | ||
ATK | 8 | Athletics | 3 |
DEF | 12 | Endurance | 7 |
SATK | 8 | Focus | 3 |
SDEF | 14 | Stealth | 9 |
SPE | 8 | Acrobatics | 3 |
Tutor Moves
- Aerial Ace
- Air Slash
- Aqua Ring
- Aqua Tail
- Avalanche
- Blizzard
- Body Slam
- Brine
- Bulldoze
- Charge Beam
- Confide
- Curse
- Defog
- Destiny Bond
- Dive
- Dragon Breath
- Dragon Pulse
- Dual Chop
- Dual Wingbeat
- Earth Power
- Earthquake
- Echoed Voice
- Endure
- Facade
- Fly
- Giga Drain
- Giga Impact
- Snowscape
- Helping Hand
- Hurricane
- Hyper Beam
- Hyper Voice
- Ice Beam
- Icy Wind
- Imprison
- Iron Head
- Iron Tail
- Light Screen
- Ominous Wind
- Protect
- Psych Up
- Psychic
- Psyshock
- Reflect
- Rest
- Round
- Scale Shot
- Secret Power
- Shadow Ball
- Shadow Force
- Skill Swap
- Sky Drop
- Sleep Talk
- Snore
- Steel Wing
- Substitute
- Surf
- Swift
- Telekinesis
- Thunder
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Trick
- Twister
- Water Pledge
- Waterfall
- Wonder Room
- Zap Cannon
- Zen Headbutt