
The last thing Litleo learns before evolving is how to properly roar. Litleo can be heard trying all day, only letting out loud meows until it’s strong enough to change. Only their cub form can purr.
- Type:
- Fire / Normal
- Height:
- 2′
- Weight:
- 29.8 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Field
- Catch DC:
- 3
- Starting Abilities
- Rivalry
- Unnerve
- Level 5 Abilities
- Competitive
- Hot Streak
- Moxie
- Hot Streak
HP | 35 | ||
ATK | 4 | Athletics | -1 |
DEF | 5 | Endurance | 0 |
SATK | 6 | Focus | 1 |
SDEF | 4 | Stealth | -1 |
SPE | 6 | Acrobatics | 1 |
Level | Learns |
1 | Tackle, Leer, Ember, Work Up |
2 | Headbutt |
3 | Noble Roar |
4 | Round |
5 | Fire Fang |
6 | Echoed Voice |
7 | Yawn |
8 | Flamethrower |
9 | Crunch |
10 | Hyper Voice |
11 | Overheat |
12 | Burn Up |
13 | Wild Charge |
14 | V-create |
15 | Superpower |
Tutor Moves
- Attract
- Bounce
- Bulldoze
- Burning Jealousy
- Dark Pulse
- Dig
- Endure
- Energy Ball
- Entrainment
- Facade
- Fire Blast
- Fire Spin
- Flare Blitz
- Fusion Flare
- Heat Wave
- Helping Hand
- Ice Fang
- Incinerate
- Iron Tail
- Nasty Plot
- Payback
- Protect
- Rain Dance
- Rest
- Retaliate
- Rock Smash
- Seed Flare
- Shadow Ball
- Sleep Talk
- Snarl
- Snatch
- Snore
- Solar Beam
- Strength
- Substitute
- Sunny Day
- Taunt
- Terrain Pulse
- Thief
- Thunder Fang
- Will-O-Wisp