
An industrial accident flooded machinery with delta energy, and the gears started to move on their own. This was the birth of Klink, according to historians, who can’t find any appearance of the Pokémon beforehand.
- Type:
- Steel
- Height:
- 1′
- Weight:
- 46.3 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Mineral
- Catch DC:
- 10
- Starting Abilities
- Plus
- Minus
- Level 5 Abilities
- Technician
- Multiple
- Clear Body
- Multiple
HP | 25 | ||
ATK | 5 | Athletics | 0 |
DEF | 6 | Endurance | 1 |
SATK | 4 | Focus | -1 |
SDEF | 5 | Stealth | 0 |
SPE | 2 | Acrobatics | -3 |
Tutor Moves
- Ally Switch
- Assurance
- Endure
- Facade
- Flash
- Flash Cannon
- Gravity
- Heavy Slam
- Iron Defense
- Magnet Rise
- Magnetic Flux
- Metronome
- Mirror Shot
- Power Gem
- Protect
- Rest
- Rising Voltage
- Rock Smash
- Round
- Sandstorm
- Shock Wave
- Signal Beam
- Sleep Talk
- Snore
- Steel Beam
- Substitute
- Thunder
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Trick Room
- Uproar
- Volt Switch
- Wild Charge
- Magical Torque