
Wild Klefki wander city streets for keys to hoard. They won’t return the keys to anyone but the person who captures it, so thieves capture Klefki at first sight. If you return a Klefki’s key to somebody else, it tends to sulk and refuse to battle for an entire day.
- Type:
- Steel / Fairy
- Height:
- 8″
- Weight:
- 6.6 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Mineral
- Catch DC:
- 16
- Starting Ability
- Prankster
- Level 5 Abilities
- Light Metal
- Entry: Crafty Shield
- Magician
- Entry: Crafty Shield
HP | 35 | ||
ATK | 7 | Athletics | 2 |
DEF | 8 | Endurance | 3 |
SATK | 7 | Focus | 2 |
SDEF | 8 | Stealth | 3 |
SPE | 7 | Acrobatics | 2 |