
When not actively guarding anything, Golett curl up into inert rocks to conserve energy. Archaeologists who want to protect ancient ruins sometimes make fake Golett boulders to scare away intruders.
- Type:
- Ground / Ghost
- Height:
- 3′3″
- Weight:
- 202.8 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Mineral
- Catch DC:
- 4
- Starting Abilities
- Iron Fist
- Klutz
- Level 5 Abilities
- Momentum
- Poltergeize
- No Guard
- Poltergeize
HP | 35 | ||
ATK | 6 | Athletics | 1 |
DEF | 5 | Endurance | 0 |
SATK | 3 | Focus | -2 |
SDEF | 4 | Stealth | -1 |
SPE | 3 | Acrobatics | -2 |
Tutor Moves
- Ally Switch
- Block
- Body Press
- Body Slam
- Brick Break
- Bulldoze
- Close Combat
- Darkest Lariat
- Dig
- Drain Punch
- Earth Power
- Endure
- Facade
- Fire Punch
- Flash Cannon
- Fling
- Focus Blast
- Focus Punch
- Grass Knot
- Gravity
- Heat Crash
- Heavy Slam
- Helping Hand
- High Horsepower
- Ice Beam
- Ice Punch
- Icy Wind
- Imprison
- Low Kick
- Low Sweep
- Mega Kick
- Poltergeist
- Power-Up Punch
- Protect
- Psychic
- Rain Dance
- Rest
- Rock Polish
- Rock Slide
- Rock Smash
- Rock Tomb
- Round
- Safeguard
- Scorching Sands
- Self-Destruct
- Signal Beam
- Sleep Talk
- Snore
- Solar Beam
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge
- Strength
- Submission
- Substitute
- Superpower
- Thief
- Thunder Punch
- Thunderbolt
- Trick
- Zen Headbutt