
Fletchling’s beautiful songs are not for friendship, but rivalry. If two Fletchlings are in the same room, they will construct more and more elaborate tunes until one breaks down and attacks the other.
- Type:
- Flying / Normal
- Height:
- 1′
- Weight:
- 3.7 lbs.
- Egg Group:
- Winged
- Catch DC:
- 2
- Starting Ability
- Big Pecks
- Level 5 Abilities
- Adrenaline
- Flash Fire
- Gale Wings
- Flash Fire
HP | 30 | ||
ATK | 4 | Athletics | -1 |
DEF | 3 | Endurance | -2 |
SATK | 3 | Focus | -2 |
SDEF | 3 | Stealth | -2 |
SPE | 5 | Acrobatics | 0 |
Level | Learns |
1 | Peck, Growl, Quick Attack, Razor Wind |
2 | Ember |
3 | Flail |
4 | Swift |
5 | Agility |
6 | Acrobatics |
7 | Tailwind |
8 | Steel Wing |
9 | Roost |
10 | Brave Bird |
11 | Beak Blast |
12 | Fly |
13 | Facade |
14 | Overheat |
15 | Sky Attack |