
Buizel are popular with children, with many stories written about them. Their superstitions run the gamut: Buizel can be good luck, bad omens, witch familiars, transformed humans, or symbols of dignity or villainy.
- Type:
- Water
- Height:
- 2′4″
- Weight:
- 65 lbs.
- Egg Groups:
- Aquatic, Field
- Catch DC:
- 4
- Starting Ability
- Swift Swim
- Level 5 Abilities
- Run Away
- Propeller Tail
- Water Veil
- Propeller Tail
HP | 35 | ||
ATK | 6 | Athletics | 1 |
DEF | 3 | Endurance | -2 |
SATK | 5 | Focus | 0 |
SDEF | 2 | Stealth | -3 |
SPE | 8 | Acrobatics | 3 |
Tutor Moves
- Aqua Ring
- Attract
- Baton Pass
- Blizzard
- Brick Break
- Bulk Up
- Crunch
- Dig
- Dive
- Double Slap
- Endure
- Facade
- Focus Blast
- Fury Cutter
- Fury Swipes
- Snowscape
- Headbutt
- Helping Hand
- Ice Beam
- Ice Fang
- Ice Punch
- Icy Wind
- Low Kick
- Me First
- Mud-Slap
- Odor Sleuth
- Payback
- Protect
- Rest
- Rock Tomb
- Round
- Scald
- Skitter Smack
- Slash
- Sleep Talk
- Snore
- Soak
- Submission
- Substitute
- Surf
- Swift
- Switcheroo
- Taunt
- Waterfall